Motivation when you need it most

By Sharon Fussell, February 21, 2013

If you have been reading my articles with the intention of increasing your income selling books, but – for whatever reason – simply haven’t gotten around to taking action yet, you may be wondering if it is worth the effort to get started.

Often, it’s hard to get motivated to start something new. You might love the idea of some extra cash (who wouldn’t in these difficult times?) but learning new skills can seem like an effort and procrastination is a hard thing to beat.

So, below I have reproduced some recent emails from a couple of my student successes to hopefully give your motivation a bit of a jumpstart…

The first is from Simon who follows – a method centred on selling books on Amazon UK. This programme involves sending books to Amazon’s fulfilment centres, where they pick, pack and post your orders meaning your sales are processed even when you are away on holiday.

The second email comes from Tony who is following the . This involves listing books for free on Amazon, storing them in your home and, when they sell, taking them to the Post Office.

What I hope these emails will demonstrate to you is that, yes it is worth the effort of learning a new venture and yes you can increase your income by doing so.

Hi Sharon,

I haven’t been in touch for a while, so I thought I’d let you know that I am still selling books on Amazon using FBA and everything is going OK.
I’ve got just over 5000 listed at present and I’m getting a regular supply of books from charity shops at 3-5p each. I’ve also got books via house clearances which produce some nice older books. Sold a book an UK military airfields recently for £50! Simon

Hi Sharon

I’m continuing to list books on Amazon and am now seeing my income increase. When I started I calculated that for the hours I put in, I was earning about £6 per hour. Now after 21 months I think it is nearer £12 per hour. So thanks again for your course. Tony

So, if you want some motivation to get started, I hope these emails will help you on your way… you never know, in a short while you might be emailing me with your success story! Good luck.


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