How to start making a great part-time income from home pushing 3 buttons on your keyboard

By Sharon Fussell, December 18, 2014



I am often asked about business opportunities relating to Amazon or selling on eBay…

I have to admit home business opportunities can be a minefield. There are just so many scammers out there. I know I have come by my fair share over the years.

Of course, regarding any genuine opportunity, you will likely have to motivate yourself to make a start. It’s so easy to receive your information once ordered, and then not put anything into practice.

Earn a stream of income without even leaving the house

Earn a stream of income
without even leaving the house

I know selling on sites such as eBay and Amazon will increase income. On what scale will depend on a number of factors, however: if you do not actually take the time to make something happen then nothing will work.

Whilst in the past I have tended to stick to one main site for selling products, nowadays I use a few platforms, and if you have noticed over the past year I have discussed my course Copy Paste Profit (CPP).

This is a great venture because it involves selling using only the Internet: no trawling around trying to find products in charity shops or car boot sales.

You don’t have to store products, traipse to the Post Office and stand in line: all work is done for you once you have set things in place, without you handling a single item – bliss!

Like most opportunities, CPP has a learning curve, and the best manual/DVD in the world cannot work without putting into practice the information contained within them.

I know how long it has taken me to get where I am, and I am learning all the time. All I can do is to pass on any knowledge to you to try and make life easier for you: I cannot learn for you.

Most knowledge is gained from actually trying things out for yourself using information you have read. I believe the only way to make extra income from a business opportunity is to work at it.

Make it grow and develop. The saying ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ is suited to genuine business ventures for sure.

I know when I began selling on Amazon nearly ten years ago and latterly also using CPP, I had no idea what it would lead to.

I wake up every day and feel thankful I no longer have to commute in the early morning to a job that was not really suited to me.

I always hated rules and would always try and bend them to suit me when I could; this is not always employer-friendly!

My course Copy Paste Profit will not involve commuting to work: you won’t have a boss looking over your shoulder – you can work it between other commitments, no need to give up the day job, and you won’t need child care. Fit it around any spare time you have and you won’t even need to leave the house.

It’s a simple concept and even today, two years after starting it, I am often amazed just how well it works.

So if in the New Year you want to begin a new venture; if you want to earn extra income in 2015 – take a look at Copy Paste Profit

You wont regret it!


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