Review: Digi Profits Formula

By Richard Bullivant, July 9, 2013

Digi Profits Review‘Reasons to be cheerful – Part 3… One, two, three.

A bit of grin-and-bear-it, a bit of come and share it,
You’re welcome, we can spare it – yellow socks.
Too short to be haughty, too nutty to be naughty,
Going on 40 – no electric shocks.
Ian Dury and the Blockheads in 1979

This iconic song was inspired by a near-fatal accident involving a lighting roadie.

Roadie Charley almost got electrocuted in Italy by a microphone stand while leaning over a mixing desk. Another roadie saved his life, hence why ‘no electric shocks’ is included in the song’s lyrics (source: Wikipedia).

I don’t know why, but this song has been going around in my head lately.

Maybe it’s to remind me that it’s a good thing to count our blessings – be they large or small – on a daily basis.

Whilst winning the lottery would of course be wonderful, in reality it’s the small everyday pleasures which can make life joyful.

So here are my reasons (for today) to be cheerful… One, two, three.

1. Andy Murray winning Wimbledon – At last, a chance to recapture that magical atmosphere that unexpectedly enshrouded us for a short while last summer, before disappearing again like Brigadoon into the mists of time.

2. It’s my birthday today – Yes, another year younger – well mentally anyway. And to celebrate, my wife and I walked across the field to one of our favourite haunts, the Brocket Arms in Ayot St. Lawrence – a picturesque village renowned as the birthplace of George Bernard Shaw – for a few pints and a pub lunch. The sun was shining and the fields of green barley seemed to be moving like an ocean swell. England truly is a ‘green and pleasant land’.

3. The constant thrill of a new opportunity – I love the constant thrill of discovering a new opportunity that I can become immersed in. Last week in this newsletter I sent out a plea for feedback regarding my ‘Emergency Cash Collection’ initiative. In short, I plan to put together a collection of approximately 25 action plans which one can quickly implement to raise some fast cash should life deal you a short straw. I wanted to know if anyone was interested in my compiling such a course, and if so to let me know at rickbullivant (at sign) By way of a thank you, I will be sending those who emailed me (in about a week) a free sample of one of my 25 ‘Emergency Cash Collection’ ideas. The response proved to be fantastic, and as a result, it’s very likely that this project will soon become a reality. Email if you too are interested.

Sometimes new opportunities come in disguise…

I have been lucky enough to bag a copy of Rob Cornish’s Digi Profit Formula training, just released by Canonbury.

I put this product firmly under the category of a new opportunity ‘in disguise’.

I describe it as such because Rob’s course focuses on creating and selling ‘software’.

For many people, the term ‘software’ has about as much appeal as a visit to the dentist.

Software has the rather unfair label of being complicated and expensive. Software is surely for computer geeks and certainly not for the likes of you and me?

Well yes, that would be true if you actually had to sit down and create, or even understand, software-coding languages.

But look at it another way.

We all use machines and gadgets every day. We take them for granted.

In fact we would be lost without them: our car, TV, mobile phone and gadgets like sat nav (although, I have a personal gripe about sat nav: it’s responsible for doubling the traffic on our country lane).

The point is that whilst we may love these gadgets, we (for the most part) have no idea HOW they work. That’s not our job. We just enjoy the benefit of the ‘end result’, which is usually a saving in time or physical and mental energy.

What Rob’s course so cleverly does is to show you how to focus on the end result which you would like to achieve – i.e. the benefit – and then get ‘someone else’ to create the software to reach that goal.

And that’s it in a nutshell. Dream of the outcome or the benefit and then get someone to create the process (the software) to achieve it… and you don’t have to, or need to, understand how the gubbins under the hood works in order to sell the benefit to a hungry market of like-minded people who are eager to pay over and over again for the very same benefit.

I like this idea very much indeed and will most certainly be having a stab at creating and selling my own software.

Digi Profits Formula is one course I recommend, especially as it comes with the usual Canonbury ‘get out of jail free’ money-back guarantee if you decide it’s not for you.


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