Top ten hot products to boost income over the next year…

By Sharon Fussell, January 7, 2016

At this time of year, many people look to change aspects of their lives they are discontented with.

That might mean looking to lose a few excess pounds or looking to increase monetary pounds – because, of course, extra income is always useful.

It’s often difficult, though, to take on extra responsibilities what with restrictions to disposable income and having the time to take on new or extra activities. This can impact negatively on positive intentions.

Sometimes it’s not about taking on something new and challenging: it’s more abut tweaking what you always do or know – so, in essence, it’s not about working harder, but working smarter. Small changes to current lifestyles can make a big difference.

In the bookselling world, as in most products, having some idea what to sell is a big key to prosperity. How can we establish what are the hot products currently in demand?

To find inspiration never underestimate the power of media. For example, TV shows often feature the subject of weight-loss. Can you capitalise on these programmes and their topics?

Furthermore, newspapers and magazines are full of weight-loss ideas – often with the latest plan on how to lose weight serialised to encourage regular sales of their publications.

If you go to your local newsagents you will soon find ideas without having to spend a penny: the headlines and cover pictures will soon guide you.

Look at the plans offered. Do they have a book, DVD, or some other products that you can add to your own product range?

Of course, self-help books at all times of the year are popular, but in January, media that incorporate ways to improve lifestyles are hot, hot, hot!
Here are my top ten hot products to look for so you can improve income over the next year…

1) Diet programmes that offer quick results.

2) Exercise books that offer quick results with minimum time spans.

3) How to improve careers and job prospects.

4) How to use time more effectively to get the ‘best’ results out of your day.

5) How to improve parenting skills.

6) How to discover the ‘new’ you.

7) Books on reflection, perhaps tied into religion or spiritualist pursuits.

8) How to make money stretch further with better management methods.

9) How to make products yourself from recycling everyday objects and giving them a new purpose, or taking on a new skill such as knitting.

10) How to grow and cook your food from your garden.

Of course, self-help products are always in demand, but I find New Year sales increase due to the focus of media on the ‘new-year-new-you’ ideology.

Take note and take advantage: often it’s not about being original, but finding how you can benefit from doing the same!

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