The period between Christmas and New Year is quite a strange time of year: we don’t talk about week days, but of occasions, such as Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. It often confuses me and I feel like I lose all sense of time.
Talking of Boxing Day, I didn’t realise that in the States, 26 December is known as ‘the day after Christmas Day’.
On a recent chat-show, an American once asked what ‘Boxing Day’ meant – why did we call it that? No one seemed to know in the audience – even the host of the show was clueless.
It’s strange when we go along with something for traditions, but when it comes to it, don’t really know why we do something at a certain time of year.
If you too are unsure why Boxing Day has its name, apparently it was traditionally a time for owners of large houses to present staff with gifts, which were contained in boxes. No idea if that is true but I have been told that this was the case.
If you know another reason, please share.
So, how was your New Years Eve? Perhaps you went out to celebrate, to bring in the New Year at a party or at a pub with friends and family.
To be honest, we tend to stay home, although it’s not to watch the TV – goodness, the TV is rubbish on 31 December every year!
We usually play a board game. But the attraction of computers and such like has intervened lately.
New Year is traditionally a time to think about introducing lifestyle changes. With this in mind, it’s always a good idea to ensure you list plenty of self-help books, exercise books and DVDs, and diet books too.
Each year I always say I want to lose lbs and gain ££s, but usually get them the wrong way around.
However, in 2013 my goal came true: I have succeeded with both quests in the right order.
If you would like to gain ££s, increase your income and copy me, with an at-home online venture where you do not have to have cash up front, you do not have to leave the house, store products or buy anything unless you have a sale first (no, it’s nothing to do with drop shipping).
If this sounds good, then (CPP) is for you.
Perhaps you’re not aware of my new product: perhaps you have missed the recent promotion of CPP. Fear not, it’s still available for you.
In last week’s ezine I discussed how after making the investment for CPP, you could be up and running for £20 or less. We all know the adage ‘speculate to accumulate’.
And what will £20 buy? Half a dozen pints? Or a few boxes of chocolates? Investing in CPP may change your life – will six pints of beer or a few boxes of choccies do the same?
One question I am always asked is ‘How much time will I need to invest in CPP?’
Lack of time is something that can be a barrier to taking up a new venture, so I worked out that you could start CPP with just half to an hour an evening (or anytime to suit), building your venture gradually.
Time is short – only you know if you can find a spare half or so every day to make extra income. I operate CPP from my laptop whilst watching TV – no office required!
I’ll drink to that!
Happy New Year!
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