You really can create a good income via Amazon…

By Sharon Fussell, February 12, 2014

I am often asked if I really do make a living from selling books online…

I do have a little smile, when I tell them it really is true.

For many people, the thought of working from home on a self-employed basis is scary. I understand this, really I do.

Times are hard, mortgages to pay etc: working on a self-employed basis is a big step to take.

That’s why I would not recommend that you ever just leave your day job and a secure income to just start selling online.

However, I do believe every little bit helps and to make extra income is not just to do one venture hoping to make a large income from it (putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak), but to look for perhaps several ventures that perhaps have synergy with each other.

After all, we all only have finite time resources.

Personally, I don’t really know many ways of making extra income without spending thousands of pounds first to set up a business, unless its online.

For example, one of the great things about selling books on Amazon is that it is an entirely scalable business model: you may only want a few extra bob to make a difference; you may be looking to change your job and work from home; or you may be looking for a sustainable part-time second income… It’s all down to how much time and effort you want to put in.

Of course, one of the biggest barriers to starting up any venture is up front capital: AKA cash.

I know when I first started my online ventures money was very tight. I had very little disposable income to invest in stock to re-sell. I had very little knowledge on what to sell either.

So, I began by using my own unwanted books from around the house and when that first sale came through I got such a buzz!

In my first week, I sold 7 out of the 12 books listed, and that really inspired my to go out and buy similar types of books to list on Amazon. I soon realised that I could buy books for pennies in my own high street and sell them for pounds.

Now, I sell thousands of books every year, and my husband and I work full-time from home selling books online.

If you have being following my ezines recently, you will be aware of Copy Paste Profit (CPP), my brand new course. I continue to sell books on Amazon, but CPP does share synergy with my Amazon venture, in that I am dealing with books.

Both are operated from home; both have low levels for start up costs.

In order to start any business, you need to make that first move, investing time to grow and develop an inventory.

I know it’s not always easy, especially if you have a day job and a family to support. I decided I would stop watching TV soaps and use the time I would normally spend watching junk TV to develop my online ventures.

The best thing about using online marketplaces like Amazon is that for very little outlay you can quickly and easily be on your way to making that extra income you crave and start making a real difference to your life.

Try it today: Copy Paste Profit.


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